Shopping Policy

** We are unable to provide the printed hardcopy mail option at the moment due to the pandemic situation going on, we expect your understanding regarding it.

Before making a purchase, please assure to finalize a certain plan. You have complete rights to visit the details on one or multiple design plans as many times as needed. Your final confirmation should only be done after you are completely sure about getting a plan. You can contact our support team for any queries and confusions. Archimple team will always be there for you to provide complete assistance on the right purchase.In case of changing an order after checking out, there are certain return and refund policies you need to follow.

Any refund on electrical order after delivery is not applicable. You can ask for an exchange and the price will be adjusted according to charges and costs variation.

In relatively lower price purchases, we don’t provide a refund. The pricier ones are exchangeable under certain firmterms and conditions of Archimple.

You can apply for revisions for multiple times depending on your wishes and requirements. Each revision will cost a very affordable chargewith respect to what you’re requested changes are for and the necessary work behind.

Expect the delivery of regular purchases to be within 3 days. For customer designs or plans that include revisions, the delivery will be done within 7 to 14 days.

Our return facility regulations and rules are unbreakable, so make sure you are aware of them before making a purchase. We also strictly obey all the legal terms and conditions with each and every purchase.