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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do your services cost?

Depending on which area you want to build it in, your preferred designs and also finish you’ll choose the cost can vary. You can get a more specific answer by contacting us with your specific house plan, design, construction requirements and we’ll get back to you with the estimated total cost idea.

How many plan sets do I need?

The total number of sets will include a plan for contractor, builder, department of building, lending institution and more depending on your specific case. Whatever amount of set you need you can print them by yourself from local printing store, because we will deliver you digitally formated scaled files.

Why are exclusive plans more expensive?

Our exclusive plans are some of the first-class designs that also have our complete backup and involvement to give you more than just normal. And that process demands certain costs and charges for working delicately and refined. Our finest architects and designers are in charge of serving exclusive plans and so, they may cost a bit more than ordinary ones.