Making Modifications

To keep up with both the style and function, a house must be planned in a balanced manner. And that’s exactly what Archimple mainly focuses to do with home modification plans. We don’t only give you an aesthetically pleasing outcome with such modification but also work to enhance practicality

Once you have that almost perfect plan that is quite close to your visualized home, wish for the changes and adjustments you’ll need for your construction site or family. And we will be working with our expertise to give you the final plan that looks just like how you’d want it to be.

The Existing Designs That Were Precisely Modified by Us

While working with some of our respected clients, we have made huge archives of plans. These were already modified by our experts and you may want to get access to one of them. Just contact us with your sets of requirements and let us check if there’s a preexisting plan that fits right for you.

Make Use of Local Adjustment with a Purchased Digital Drawing Set

You can surely get a digital drawing set for the trustworthy local draftsman to mark it up with the changes you’ll want it to have. The local building department documentation will be ensured as well. You can surely appoint our drafting service to get your plans done within a very short period of time. We’ll just need your required changes to the plans.


You can try our function modification program for rooms. Turing your huge space in the home into the living room or the makeover of a utility section to the laundry room are two of the most popular options. Also, an unused powder room can turn into one or two baths depending on the available space. Turning the deck into a more pleasing balcony is another well-known alteration demand these days. You can have your empty huge room as a master bedroom with some plan modification too.

Altering the size of the room is another popular modification to make a big space more functional. One of the major challenges with such modification is coping with the roof, which we deal with zero problems thanks to our expert’s designers and space planner teams.

We also provide unique suggestions depending on your space and situation. For example, if you want to extend the outside, but your house has a 2nd or 3rd floor, then according to the overall functionality, there will be trouble with room and roof adjustments. So, we provide you a way out in such circumstances or simply help you decide whether to go for such extensions or not through a closer inspection of your space.

For your master baths, you can now alter the wall heights for modification too. You can utilize the space by decreasing the wall height from 6-8 feet to 4 feet. If you want the fixtures to be arranged according to the new height plan, that’s possible too.
Another popular adjustment we do is for the doors of your bathroom and also closets. You can change the bathroom door to a pocket, sliding, barn, swing, or any preferable type with our specific plan we do modify closet doors to the barn, folding, french, sliding, and pocket type. Turning your door’s width to the standard measurement or even adjustments for window width or height, we have specific plans for such modification as well.
Our plans also include a special feature adding scopes. Including mudroom, garage tools in the garage or adding a kitchen island or pantry for kitchen, breakfast nook addition, fireplace including, BBQ space, and many more features are addable depending on your wishes. Fixture placement alteration for the kitchen, master bath, and closet are available with our special plans.

Our alteration and modification projects will take one to four working days depending on the demands you have as well as the incorporating matters related to change.